Animation: High reps, low weight. Practicing your form

The Anticipation Bicep Curl.

Working out with a lighter weight can improve your form and lets you focus on the basics. Stripping away all the other requirements of a shot that can ‘lighten’ the weight of trying new ideas’ (complicated rig, acting, story, etc..) and is an easy way to quickly work directly with a principle of animation. In this case I decided to brainstorm a few different ways a box could antic and broadcast to the audience that the box was about to move left to right.

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Ahhh…the post workout burn. Mental Magic.

Drilling down to the basic principle and then brainstorming all the different variations on it you can is a great way to give yourself a mental toolbox of different, unusual ideas. Because these are near risk free conditions, you’d be surprised what you’d come up with and be willing to try. I only did a few antics here, but it became really easy to tackle something I wasn’t sure was going to work because at most I’d have lost is a few minutes.

Thought I’d include the box rig! Don’t look to close at it, but it’s more than suitable for these types of exercises!

Box Rig: