X100 Moments: Spline Pass complete


Took all my shots into my first spline pass.

Missing fingers and facial so far, and it’s a little rough in spots, especially on the butler shot. No worries though, the hardest part of this process for me is always going from blocking into spline but I really enjoy massaging it after that and starting to later in the polish. I’m really enjoying the surgicalslip shot, hopefully I can learn more about why I’m connecting with it and apply that in the future!

My goal remains:

Real situations and context.
Clarity in emotional change.
Instantly relatable.
Make an impact in 100 frames.

x100 Shot: Surgical Slipup

x100 04 SurgicalSlip Spline Final from Brad Kinley (Archived Work) on Vimeo.

x100 Shot: Tennis Tantrum

x100 04 TennisTantrum Spline Final from Brad Kinley (Archived Work) on Vimeo.

x100 Shot: Busy Body Butler

x100 04 BusyBodyButler Spline Final from Brad Kinley (Archived Work) on Vimeo.

Next Steps?

Body polish, hand splined, facial first pass!