Blocking Complete:
I shot reference and laid out all my shots based on the golden poses I did last update. After that I went to town blocking in the three shots I’ve started. For the ‘Pirate Panic’ shot, I went straight into spline, but everything is still on whole poses meaning changes are still pretty easy to make.
I had to stop at one point and shoot more reference but I was really happy I did so, as it immediately made my life easier. Still sticking to the restrictions (100 frames, no dialogue) following my clear goals. They are:
Real situations and context. Clarity in emotional change. Instantly relatable. Make an impact in 100 frames.
x100 Shot: Pirate Panic Key Pose and Layout
x100 Shot: Hot Spring Hotness Initial Blocking
x100 Shot: ??? SECRET ???
Next Steps?
Finish up any crit, take these into spline, and then start layering in details!