x100 Shot: Navy Homecoming Splined

x100 Naval Homecoming Prep, Ref, Blocking and Spline

Since having Magnus my animation time has been…shifted….into other areas! So this is my saturday late night update! I pushed this shot into spline, as you can see below. Nothing special yes, still whole poses. Next up is layering in the details, solidifying the physicality and the aspects of the shot that will communicate her thought more thorough.

I’m hoping to portray a half panicked wife coming to meet ships streaming back into the harbor the war, unsure of her husband’s fate until she spots him in a pair of binoculars.

Clarity of emotion and thought process
Instantly relatable.
Make an impact, entertain.

Spline First Pass:

Test Pose:

Initial Blocking:

Untitled from Brad Kinley on Vimeo.


Inspiration Gallery:

Character Background:

THE PITCH: A warwife run along a pier as a series of heavily damage naval ships come into the port. Her husband’s ship limps in, but is heavily damaged. The crew stands on the deck, and she can’t tell if he is amongst them. A pair of tourist binoculars allow her to scan and then recognize her husband. She leaps up in an exuberant manner waving and then sprints down the rest of the pier.

THE GEARCHANGE: Breathless anticipation -> Recognition -> Joy

WHO: A young woman who has been held in a purgatory of sorts, unsure if her husband is alive or dead at the end of WWII.

MOMENT BEFORE: She has been walking down a pier, occassionally stopping to scan the horizon as ships stream into the harbour. She can’t quite see at this distance.

WHAT IS CHARACTER THINKING AT THIS POINT? ….there’s his ship, but….I can’t…ARG…wait! I’ll just take a peek through….wherreeee…..YES! That’s him! He’s looking OH MY GOD HELLLOOOO !


What’s next…

…Plus what’s there. Start to make it special, solidify the physicality and layer in the details.