Took a bunch of time to spline out the core of the big guy. Roughed in the background characters. Did some facial. Feet are still on stepped because they’ll be a bit of a time sink and I didn’t want to avoid building/rebuilding parts of the shot to keep any work I’d do on them.
I avoided posting this until I could show it to Magnus and he could:
Pretty great acid test for work I think!
Spline Plus:
Test Pose:
Inspiration Gallery:
Character Background:
THE PITCH: A temple robber comes screaming into shot, hits an ancient temple wall so hard it partially crumbles, trips up, and spills, illgotten goods scattering.
THE GEARCHANGE: Panicked Flight -> Stunned -> Realization
WHO: Big, orange, indiana jones.
MOMENT BEFORE: Has fled a series of interior room, checking behind him. Temple natives are close enough to hear but not see.
WHAT IS CHARACTER THINKING AT THIS POINT? ….Gogogogogog…wait!WHAT ARGGH *THUMP*…..ughh….hhhuhhhh….wha…the…sound….OH MAN! GO GO GO GO!
Thinking about…
Clarity of emotion and thought process Instantly relatable. Make an impact, entertain.
What’s next…
Polish pass on big guy, finish splining the background imps. Feet.