x100 Moments: Temple Escape Final

I’ve been grinding on this one for a little while, slowly picking away at notes as I moved from spline and into polish. I partially reblocked the background guys a couple times, but now I’m happy with the shot. I learned that although a character may be small, or part of a crowd, if you skimp on the planning it’ll bite you in the ass. Big guy was a bit easier because of more extensive planning, although the feet were a bit tricky.

I called this ‘done’ after I was sure there wasn’t anything I had knowingly left on the table, and after Magnus could:

  • Tell me what was going on

  • Watch it over and over

  • Laugh

Finaled! (use fullscreen):


Inspiration Gallery:

Test Pose:



What’s next…

I enjoyed this little universe and I think I might block in a shot or two prior to this.