Polishing body and started up lipsync/facial….
Meant to upload my progress last week but it all kind of blurred into one big tiedown pass for the body and a last minute scramble to get some first pass lipsync down.
Evolving workflow…
I asked some of my collegues to share their lipsync workflow and it boiled down to:
– Key facial emotions on stepped.
– Breakdown facial emotions every five frames.
– Spline
– Jawflap (all axis)
– In/Out (all axis)
– Supporting lip controls
– Sculpting shapes
– All our straightahead abandon to get what you need.
Worked pretty well. Allows you to keep the keep expressions in there as you try to layer in the lipsync.
Gonna stick with that for a while.
Up next…
Remaing lipsync, additional body tiedown, start to tie down the face as a whole!