Storytelling initial blocking and reference.
This week I finished shooting reference for the three shots I spent last weekend planning out here.
Timing is fairly flat, and poses are pretty raw, in a ‘get them down on paper’ type of way. Not to worry!
My goal remains:
Real situations and context. Clarity in emotional change. Instantly relatable. Make an impact in 100 frames.x100 Shot: Busy Body Butler
x100 Shot: Surgical Slipup
x100 Shot: Tennis Tantrum
Next Steps?
Look through my blocking and start to do drawovers and look for reference that will plus my poses. Go back into the blocking and strengthen what I can. Push and push some more. Then, start to break the mechanics down and play with the timing.
Next blocking pass should feel like all the questions have been answered and it’s just a matter of splining it.