[qt:http://www.bradkinley.com/clips/Full_FlourSack_11SecondClub_Splined.mov 490 330]
Here’s my first spline pass. Got a lot of feedback to incorporate, and some of it was conflicting. Working to figure out what’s best for the character speaking the line and go with my gut. Still have a facial pass to do, adding some breakdowns, and tighen up a few areas after I’ve let it breath for a little while.
Moved the camera in closer, did an initial face pass, and kept the sack from turning quite as far away from the camera on the small step before ‘torn’.
-=’Final’ Update’=-
Tweaked the ‘torn’ turn, finished lipsync, and did a secondary pass. Offset the spine keys in a couple instances. Generally, I’m done, until I get some feedback that really strikes a cord with me.